CID ETHICS - About us Mission

The Interdepartmental Center for Research Ethics and Integrity (CID Ethics) of the 7 Departments of the CNR was established in 2020. It is a scientific and technical structure of strategic importance that operationally belongs to the Department of Biomedical Sciences and which carries out ethical-legal consultancy activities to the organisation’s executive management and scientific network. The Center is coordinated by Cinzia Caporale.

The Interdepartmental Center for Research Ethics and Integrity:

  • carries out research activities and participates in the international standard setting process on research integrity;
  • provides ethical-legal advice to the CNR’s scientific network, including analysis of the ethical-legal aspects of projects and support in compiling the documentation required by national, European and international funding calls (Ethical Issues);
  • provides ethical-legal monitoring and/or ethical-legal supervision of projects in progress within the organisation (Ethics Mentoring);
  • analyses the ethical-legal aspects of research projects as a preliminary activity for the issue of ethical opinions with authorisation value (Ethical Clearance) by the CNR’s Research Ethics and Integrity Committee;
  • provides scientific advice to Departments on issues within its sphere of competence, identifying criteria, methods and procedures for the assessment and management of critical ethical issues arising from scientific and technological research activities being carried out at its member Institutes, as well as for areas pertaining to research integrity;
  • implements a policy to prevent research misconduct (Research Misconduct) and carries out investigative activities preparatory to the issue by the Committee of ethical advice to the President of the CNR for the handling of cases of alleged research misconduct involving research staff of the organisation;
  • prepares, in liaison with the CNR’s Scientific Network, a programme to update researchers on research integrity and research ethics applied to specific disciplinary areas;
  • elaborates, upon request of the Departments, technical reports and specialised documentation on the subjects within its competence, depending on the different disciplinary fields of interest for the organisation;
  • provides scientific, technical, organisational, managerial and administrative support to the CNR Research Ethics and Integrity Committee;
  • carries out national and international activities aimed at building and strengthening collaboration with similar organisations and at consolidating the role of the CNR as a reference body for ethics and integrity in research;
  • organises seminars, conferences and outreach initiatives.