CID ETHICS - Publications - Journals Bioetics

From 2023, the Interdepartmental Center for Research Ethics and Integrity (CID Ethics) collaborates with the Onlus Bioethics Council for the quarterly journal Bioethics. Interdisciplinary journal.

Cinzia Caporale, Coordinator of CID Ethics, is in charge of the journal’s ‘Ethics and Integrity in Research’ section, the first in Italy to provide a systematic framework for scientific discussion on these topics.

As an introduction to the subject, it is worth mentioning here the definitions of the two areas of interest of the section which effectively represent its permanent Call for Papers, borrowing these from the CNR Research Ethics and Integrity Committee (namely, the Institutional Review Board of the CNR).

Research ethics is intended as “the set of principles, ethical norms and practices that in the moral and deontological perspective should inspire the conduct of researchers in the development of their studies, especially those of an empirical nature. The resulting approach is directed toward the protection of the interests, fundamental rights and freedoms of persons participating in research, investigators and society as a whole, as well as nonhuman animals and the environment, where applicable. It also encourages the establishment of good practices and promotes the quality of research as an asset in itself and as a social value, helping to improve the public perception of experiments.”

Research Integrity is intended as “the body of principles and ethical values, deontological obligations and professional standards that form the basis of the responsible and correct conduct of those who carry out, finance or evaluate scientific research, as well as the institutions that promote and perform it. The application of principles and values, and the respect for deontology and standards of professional ethics guarantee the quality of research and enhance the reputation and public image of science, greatly contributing to its advancements and to progress in society. The violation of ethical principles and values, ethical duties and professional standards on which responsible and proper conduct is based is normally referred to as Research Misconduct.”

It should be immediately observed here that outside the perimeter of integrity in research, as described in major international charters and ethical guidance documents, lies conduct that is subject to civil or criminal regulation as well as conduct governed by international legal instruments on the subject. Similarly, it is obviously not viable to scrutinize conduct that merely breaks what Anglo-Saxons call fairplay and does not involve any clearly classifiable conduct. Research integrity and related infractions fall precisely between these two extremes, with even considerable differences between countries and even between research institutions, even with regard to possible sanctions.

The hope is that the reflections that will briefly be featured in the Journal, the first in Italy to have a dedicated section, will contribute to creating a more conscious culture of ethics and integrity in research in our country as well, with significant positive effects (curated by Cinzia Caporale, CID Ethics Coordinator).

The journal, founded in 1993, is currently the only Italian publication specifically dedicated to bioethics and oriented in a pluralistic way, open to contributions from researchers and scholars of different backgrounds.

The journal is available by subscription, but it is possible to request individual issues from the secretariat (